Men, and you are satisfied with the length your friend? And if not, are you trying to add it? Here! Here are cashing in on this and the sellers, different tools and techniques that really do work. Or work, but not quite, as promised by these crooked businessmen. It is very simple: it is impossible to insert any part of the body. Yes, even the long-term growth is only possible in 10-15% of the original size. Let's look at the myths of penis enlargement and the reality is not so rosy as we promise.

Today it is the only safe and effective way to penis enlargement, not only in length but also in thickness. An experienced doctor with years of experience - plastic surgery - before performing the action is the study of anatomical features of the penis, as they say, to weigh all "for" and "against". Health will not be harmed.
Urologist, andrologist, along with plastic surgery follow the back of the penis after surgery. The operation lasts no more than an hour under local anesthesia. The project activity does not affect vital organs, the risk of serious complications is minimized.
Surgery penis enlargement is that interficiam the muscles that support the penis at the top. Then, these muscles are sewn to a new place (a little under). Due to this, cock, like, dropped a few centimeters forward.
Accordingly, the increase in penis length is achieved by changing its status. The Penis, when the action is a bit the usual places.
During the operation, it is possible to increase the length of the member to 4 inches. It should be noted that the erection of the penis will be correspondingly slightly different position, i.e. more horizontal.
Lubricate fricabis and wait for the impact...
But it is not. What is the benefit or the harm, the effectiveness of creams, gels and lotions, penis enlargement there are a lot of myths. Manufacturers of wonder drugs a few days ago can you increase penis not only in length but also in diameter. "Friends" should increase because of the stimulation of the cells of the tissues of the penis, which is, it should start to grow, like a wave of a magic wand, and then when they grow to the desired size, immediately stop. How much do you need? 18, 20, or 25 cents? Everything is possible, you just have to carefully RUB! And the effect will not keep you waiting, because it never happened! The popular lotions, creams and gels are not in use or does not bring harm to health. Although one positive effect of these substances is intinctione the skin of the penis becomes soft, smooth and silky, like donkey newborn baby, as they say in advertising!

Once a pill, two pill...
Tablet three, five, ten and so is endless! It is unlikely that it will start to increase the girth or growth. The Penis will not grow anymore, just because you're actively drinking vitamins or dietary supplements, which are advertised pills for penis enlargement. The benefits do not can be and will be: the hair becomes shiny, vitamin not, but the member does not grow even a few centimeters, from whatever side you are posuit him a line! You may find that a member has increased, but it is not! Don't forget that when something is very far ahead, there could be a fraud! Even the artificially induced growth of the male sex hormone - testosterone in the blood of men can not affect the growth of the penis.
Exercise to ensure Your size!
Of course, exercise can contribute to the process of increasing the penis. Only here there is one but: if the penis is increased, if you are not a teenager and puberty in your case long forgotten it, that no exercise will help you increase your penis.
Special education "buddy", the manual method has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Disease prevention of the penis no one has yet to prevent.
And remember: those who say that the penis is a muscular organ, only know about the structure of this body nothing. The Penis is not composed of muscle and deep and deep bodies, which are expanded by the accumulation of blood, causing an erection. You can't achieve penis enlargement exercise muscles.
Pull, doctor, pull!
The continuous mechanical traction with the help of a special device - the extender you can enlarge the penis, but to do it again. We should not think that the sexual organ is in relation to thickened, it is not so! The Penis becomes long and beautifully refined. The truth will lengthen a little, and not soon, but esp tenuior much.
Use this device to the penis, you need at least 9 hours a day. The people around you, it will not go unnoticed. And because the device consists of a plastic ring connected to two movable metal rods, which are embedded in a plastic support silicone device, which can ensure the head of the penis, it is unlikely that you will be convenient to move the extender, pendent from between the legs.
Besides, it can be painful. But basically, the chance is not bad: at least the length of a member of the growth, although in this case for about a year, it is the task of the penis painful procedure for dressing removal. The extender is your friend for many months.

Vacuum pump
Yes, indeed, thanks to the help of the vacuum pump, the penis can grow in size. Of course, this effect is temporary: as a rule, 24 hours after the body comes back to its original state. And however, this method has its negative aspects (side effects). Improper use the vacuum pump can lead to rupture of blood vessels in the penis, which can cause bruising, and sometimes even deformation of the penis.